Sunday, March 6, 2011

Love, Life, Music, and Video Game Analogies

Hmm.... haven't been on here in a while. Apologies.

So this song has been pretty much the chorus of my life over the last, oh, month or so. Thought I'd share it with the big wide world of the Internet. The name of the song is "You Be Tails, I'll Be Sonic" (which sounds rather silly, but on second glance is actually quite metaphorical as it relates to the meaning of the song.) by A Day To Remember. Here's the link and the lyrics. Instead of having them in typical listed format, I've organized them into some semblance of grammatical coherency. (Incidentally, I've found I tend to use more terse and articulate language when I'm pissed off or frustrated. Again, my apologies.)

"I’m a mess, that's the best way to describe it. Having no time to myself is the only way I can fight it... when I'm alone it's like I'm staring into a mirror, don't know the person inside it and that's never been any clearer."

"I miss your family and I miss all our friends... if you had it to do over would you do it over again? 'Cause I would, this meant something more to me... There's a hole in my heart where you used to be."

"I still wish you the best of luck, baby, and don't go thinking this was a waste of time: I couldn't forget you if I tried."

"You killed what was left of the good in me, I'm tired so let me be broken. Look down at the mess that's in front of me, no other words need be spoken. I've got nobody else to blame though I tried- kept all of our past mistakes held inside... I’ll live with regret for my whole life."

"I confess that I brought this all on myself, condemned to suffer alone, like there's nobody else.
When you're gone, it's like a whole part of me’s missing, so I'll keep living the lie and just hope that you're listening."

"I tried to make us a life here but our foundation was built on sand. No time to run until the damage was done, and I’ve never had the upper hand."

"All the things you love are all the things I hate... how did we get here in the first place?"

"I play it cool but it's hard to be... all my trust is slowly burning inside of me. Over what? There can't be anymore progress, I know our fate... the only thing that can heal this is time and space."