Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Back to the Ben and Jerry's

Today's topic of discussion: if you had a time machine, when (and where) would you go with it?

This is spawned in part by my recent (first-time!!) viewing of Back to the Future. (Yeah, yeah, I know. Gimme a break, it wasn't high on my "must-see movies" list.)

Personally, I would like to travel back to London, 1718, in order to meet Mrs. Mary Eales. Mrs. Mary Eales was the (supposed) confectioner to her late Majesty Queen Anne, and she is the woman who first published a recipe for ICE CREAM. I would shake the hand of this wonderful woman and congratulate her on her imagination, innovation, and ingenuity in creating this most delicious and divine of dairy delights.

As a matter of fact, I'm about to go enjoy a bowl of some right now.

So, when would you go? The Jurassic Period? 18th century England? Colonial America? The Future? Chime in, and go get some ice cream while you're at it!


  1. idk where id want to go. mebbe go back to my past so i can do life again w/out mistakes but then i wouldnt know how to fix things cause itd be the first time, rite? mebbe...


  2. NATE. took you long enough buddy, I've been trying to get you to see that movie for CENTURIES!! but nice, you finally saw it haha.

    Oh, and I'd go to probly ancient Sparta. No reason to comment on why.

  3. Remind me to return that movie to you btw...
