Saturday, June 12, 2010

Campfire Musings

Just a quick thought to kick off the summer. Last night I went camping with a good friend of mine (cough cough Joel Harris cough cough), and it made me come to an interesting conclusion. I've come to realize that some of the most beautiful things in the world aren't man made. Granted, there are absolutely stunning works of art, literature, and architecture that man has created, but nothing, absolutely nothing, compares to genuine, complex, unhindered beauty of God's creation. Spending a night out under the stars, with nothing but a canopy of evergreens above your head is an experience that, in my opinion, everyone should experience. It's breathtaking. So, next time you find yourself with a little free time, I would encourage you to go and get lost (literally or figuratively) in nature. It's truly amazing what you'll discover, both about the wonder of God's creation and about yourself.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nate, I may be coming late to the party but couldnt resist your campfire comment...I couldn't agree more! Man has created some amazing things but nothing I've seen or heard of trumps the work of the original CREATOR. Have you ever wondered why we don't live in a monochrome world, perhps plantless, birdless and without animals...wouldn't that have been easier for God & perhaps simpler for mankind to fucus on Him?
    Looking forward to more "musings"

    And, congratulations on your graduation. It sounds like you've worked hard. Your parents are very proud of you! May God be gracious to you and bless you!
