Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Trichotomy of Music

Ever have a sudden flash of insight or inspiration in the middle of a completely otherwise mundane situation? That happened to me in class today. There I was, sitting in my chair, semi-following the discussion (something about Lady Gaga, jazz and Jesus... or something) when it hit me. Someone mentioned music, and that single word sparked off a concept in my mind that ignited and spread like wildfire... for all of a minute. But after it had burned itself out, I was left with the embers of a singularly thought-provoking idea: why do I listen to music?

Now, I love music. I mean, I LOVE music. Playing, writing, listening, recording, experimenting, I enjoy every aspect of music. I think it's one of God's greatest gifts to mankind. I listen to pretty much every genre or style of music, and if there's one that I haven't heard yet I am more than willing to try it out. I listen to screamo, hip hop, hardcore, classical, country, pop, rock, gangsta rap, opera, techno, industrial, foreign, indie, acoustic... you get the picture. That said, with this idea in my head blazing away, I took a step back and asked myself, "Why do I listen to this? What am I getting out of this?"

Having the incredibly analytical and logical mind that I do (thanks, Mom!), naturally I broke music down into three separate categories, each with specific requirements and characteristics. So here's why I listen to music.

1. Emotion
I listen to music because certain songs, bands, and genres make me feel a certain way. If I listen to upbeat pop or punk rock, it'll make me feel happy, alive, and energetic. If I listen to classical and techno, it makes me feel sophisticated and smart. If I listen to screamo (not even good screamo, like just complete aural garbage), it's probably because I'm in a bad mood. One of music's strongest qualities is that it has the power to move our hearts and make us feel. Another sub-genre that ties into this segment is entertainment. I listen to some music because it's entertaining, that is, it keeps my attention and makes me feel a certain way. A lot of songs and artists in today's culture play off the concept of shock value. For example, check out these people. Or this person. Or this one. . See what I'm getting at? These artists all play off the idea that they are crazy, quirky, dangerously original people. They play off their fans emotions.

2. Meaning
The second reason I listen to music is for it's meaning. One of the biggest problems that I have with a lot of our culture's artists today is that while their music is sound, well-made, even catchy, it has no meaning. So much music today is so shallow and pointless. I enjoy listening to music that makes me think. I like my music to be thought-provoking, to question and even break societal, cultural, or religious boundaries. On the flip side, I also find meaning in the complexity of music, in figuring out how a particular artist created a particular sound. Meaning can be found not only in lyrical content, but also in the musical quality of a song as well.

3. Worship
Last, but certainly not least, I listen to (and perform) music in order to praise, glorify, and reflect upon my God. One of the most endearing aspects of music for me is it's ability to bring us as mere humans a step closer to God. Music has the innate quality of being just a little bit otherworldly... it's almost magical at times. And in that magic, in that otherworldliness, I find God.

So, there you have it. The Trichotomy of Music, according to me, your humble host. Hope you enjoyed it.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Veritable Quotage (A College Update)

College life seems to consist mainly of late nights, early mornings, epic quotes, and lots of coffee and music. I could totally live the rest of my life like that. Unfortunately, that's not ALL of college. Classes, work, relationships, these all also play an important role in maintaining a healthy life. I think I've adapted here pretty well, I've made a few good friends and a lot of acquaintances, and I actually kind of love dorm life. My friends are solid, classes aren't overwhelming, and I'm remembering to do my laundry. All in all, even though I miss my family and friends in CT, I'm actually liking it here. Thank you for all the prayers everybody! I'm going to leave you with some veritable quotage that made me laugh... though out of context, it probably won't make sense to most of you. :P

"I have that book by the old dead German guy!"
"My cousin sent me a dinosaur egg!"
"I feel like I'm being smothered to death by kittens!" "It's an adorable, fur-filled death!"
"George Washington hates skinny jeans!"

...that's all, folks!