Thursday, April 8, 2010

Sunlight and Marbles

So...this past week has been absolutely GORGEOUS. Heat, sun, no humidity, just clear blue skies and lots of warmth. There is almost nothing more beautiful than watching the sun come up on a warm spring morning...I love it. The other day I took a walk through the woods while listening to U2's "Beautiful Day" and it was amazing. I recommend that everyone get out there and enjoy this awesome weather while it lasts.

I was reading a book today, and it told a story called "A Thousand Marbles". It was about a guy was worked a lot, took too much time and didn't really enjoy life. One day, a family member of his gave him two jars filled with about 1,600 marbles. He said, "These are for every Saturday for pretty much the rest of your life. I want you to take one marble out of the jar every Saturday, and think about whether you spent that Saturday well, instead of wasting your time." I was kinda inspired by this idea, and I decided to spend more days out with my friends and family, just enjoying what God has given us. So get out there, and use your marbles wisely! You are only given a set amount of Saturdays...use them well.

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